Today I will write a normal blog... well as much as normal can be for me. You do know that I am not your average "normal" person by now. Right?
Perfect Pancakes
Choose your perfect pancake mix and the follow the directions for mixing.
Put on hot griddle (you will know it is perfect because water will bead up when sprinkled on it), cook on one side, turn them over, cook on the other and serve hot.
Who knew?
Who knew just flipping a few pancakes could be exhausting? Who knew that life can throw something at you that just frustrates you so much that you just want to get through this hour of this day because you KNOW that every day life gets a little better for you? Who knew? I certainly did not.
A few weeks ago I went to the doctor for an annoying dry cough. I ended up in the hospital for two heart conditions with long names. The final consensus of the doctors was I needed a pacemaker. When I let a friend of mine know that this was going on her granddaughter wanted to know how this was possible. Didn't this only happen to old people? I love that little girl! She is so wise.
Everyday I get a little stronger and can do a few more things but even the simple thing of flipping pancakes ends up with me taking a rest. The pacemaker takes care of the heart slowing too much in the lower chambers and several medications are needed to keep the upper chambers from beating too fast. My doctor says agrees with me when I say even my heart will start an argument inside me. I don't like feeling this way. Part of me wants to go for a run and the other part says "are you kidding me?". For now that part is winning and I really REALLY don't like that but I am so grateful that I can go shopping with my daughter, play with my granddaughter and even flip pancakes. I just have to remember to space my fun out and do more of it in the afternoon than the morning. Guess I won that argument! Ha! I can't go for a run yet but I am not stopping.
Happy birthday to my son. Today he is twenty-six. He likes to say he is my "oldest, middle and only child" and his description is absolutely correct even though he has five siblings. This is proof that confusion has always been part of my life. How could my heart possibly act anything but confused?
I got a reminder from a friend today that God does things in His own time and sometimes that might take a while. I'm supposed to be more patient... I am trying to be. I'm a morning person and I love to hit the ground running. Normally, (if there is a normal anymore), I am up before everybody and love the fun of making breakfast for my family. Today is was only pancakes but it is good to be back in my kitchen. Thanks for stopping by.
Romans 8:25 we hope for what we do not see; we eagerly for it with perserverance.
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