This is for all my readers. Sometimes it's just hard.
Snow Ice Cream
Carefully remove the first layer of snow to remove any dirt from the air. Fill your bowl to the top with fluffy snow from drifts. My mom would not let us use the snow from the first snowfall and of course, always avoid yellow snow.
Add evaported milk or 2 percent if you are health consicious to make "slushy" then add sugar and tiny bit of vanilla flavoring.
Have you ever looked out a window at children playing in the snow? Have you ever looked into the nursery of a newborn baby and just stood there in wonder? You can sometimes hear the laughter of the children or see a hand or foot move on the baby and something inside you feels all warm at something you had nothing to do with. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a broken-hearted friend or the lost and lonely look of somebody you love and just wish you had the words or touch to make things better? If any of this has happened then you have a tiny glimpse of what it is like as God looks down on us.
When my son was in high school there were moments in his life that I just wanted to wrap him in a protective blanket and take him far away but that is not how life works. I did find a comic strip in the paper that he kept above his computer for a very long time. Haggar the Horrible was talking to his teenage son. He said "sometimes you are going to feel like the world world is out to get you". His son smiled at him and said "but it will just be my imagination, right dad?". The silence and sadness on his father's face said it all. Sometimes life is like that. You give everything you have but it is not enough. People around us see what is going on and they just can't make it better for us anymore than we are actual participants of what we see through the glass. Whether it's a good thing we want to treasure or a difficult time we wish we did not have to witness sometimes the glass between us separates us. Sometimes it is just hard.
John 6:41 They said "is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it then that He says, 'I have come down from heaven'?"
If His own people did not believe Him, why would I expect anyone to believe me? Watching from a distance is very, very hard.
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