This blog is dedicated to Ashton who celebrates his first birthday today. My great-grandson is a handsome lad.
Birthday Cupcakes
One box of cake mix makes 36 cupcakes. That is all you need to know for this story besides don't forget to buy the birthday paper liners and candles. Kids may not mind if the frosting is thin or if they are vanilla instead of chocolate but don't forget those candles!
There's a mouse in the house
I saw a shiny new 50 gallon galvanized trash can the other day and the sight brought back a special memory for me. With most cities furnishing some sort of rubber container for homeowners to dump our trash in, we don't see the tall aluminum trash cans as often any more but in the early 70's a shiny trash can was a sure sign that you were a new homeowner, a newly wed couple or both. We were both. I was quite pregnant when we moved into our first home and even more aware of strange sounds in the night than usual. We went to bed after a long day working in our kitchen making the modifications we needed to in order for the washer and dryer to be delivered the next day. After we fell asleep I was awakened by a sound that was sort like a sonar "ping" you might hear on an old submarine movie. After hearing it several times, I woke up my husband to see what it was. He listened, it did not happen again so we both went back to sleep.
The next morning, we went into the kitchen to continue our work and I heard it again! This time, so did he. We listened again and the sound came again from the area near the basement steps. Jimmy did the "manly" thing of taking one step forward while with his hand motioning for me to take one step back. Who or what could possibly be in our basement? Just as he was ready to swing open the door, the "ping" came from the trash can! He carefully lifted the lid just as a tiny mouse jumped straight up from the bottom of the trash can. We both jumped about six feet backward as he put the lid back on the trash can. After we stopped laughing, he carried the trash can into the back yard and lifted the lid as he tilted the can so the next jump gave the little mouse freedom.
Time changes so many things. The strong become weak, the weak become strong in a different way. Silver replaces the dark hair of our youth but nothing can take away the memories in our hearts. Though love ones may pass even as babies are born, those tiny glimpses into the past are sometimes all we need to go on to the next part of our journey. I am abundantly blessed with so many beautiful moments and I am grateful.
Today baby Ashton is one. He lives far away from me but I am grateful for the time I got to spend with him and his parents two weeks ago. His mom is my honey-girl... Paige. My first grandchild and the joy of my heart. His dad is Brandon. He seems to be a fine young man who is totally in love with his family. I am sure he would be there to defend them also if there is ever a mouse in their house.
Luke 12:22 "do not worry about your life; what you will eat or your body what you will put on.. (33)a treasure in the heavens does not fail, where no thief approaches or moths destroys. For where you treasure is, there will your heart be also." My treasures are safe. His love is eternal. That's all I need to know.
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