Tomb Biscuits
One package of flaky canned biscuits
Large Marshmellows
Separate the layers of each biscuit as close to the middle of the biscuit as you can. Insert a large marshmellow and seal the edges. Bake as usual and serve hot.When the biscuit is opened, the marshmellow is gone leaving the impression of an empty tomb.
If Friday is Good... what is Saturday?
Yesterday our calendars had the words "Good Friday" in the section that signifies a holiday or special occasion. It is the day most of associate with the death of Jesus Christ and the last Friday before we celebrate His resurrection on Easter Sunday. I first wrote my thoughts on this subject April 2, 2010. There have been many Fridays in my life in the last two years and many, many Saturdays. This blog has been a place of healing for me because it gives me a chance to voice what I feel in my heart but find it so difficult to share. That is what Good Friday is to me and I suspect it was like that for the followers of Jesus so many years ago. The shock and trama that is going on around us is sometimes overwhelming and even when we know in our hearts the final outcome will be something wonderful, the Friday when it is all coming down around us, it is so hard to get through some things. At some point, our Sunday comes and there is great joy and rejoicing as the broken heart we could barely tollerate grows and expands within us. Tears of sorrow turn to tears of joy but that is Sunday... what about Saturday? The time between great confusion and joy requires tremendous courage and faith to get through the Saturday of pain.
This week I was honored to hear, in her own words, the remembrance of a mother and of her Good Friday seven years ago. She tells us how she got through her own Saturday. Amy writes "when I think of Good Friday, I think of seven years ago when Connor was born on Good Friday... I've always said Good Friday was good for the fact he came into this world but it turned out to be not so good when the doctors came in and said he had 24 hours to live. He was still struggling but then on Easter Sunday a miracle was performed in our baby boy!! He made a HUGE improvement and the doctors were shocked! At that time, his dad and I gave him the title of "Champ" and he will always be our "Champ". " The miracle of life. The greatest miracle of all but she had to pray and be strong through the Saturday before the miracle unfolded before her eyes.
Susan Boyle has a beautiful song on her collection "Someone to Watch Over Me". You really should check it out. The first time I heard it, I thought of the many times it applied to me on my Saturdays. Today, as I listen to it, I think of how it could have been written for the Saturday after Good Friday by any of those who saw our savior bleed and die before them.
You Have to Be There (by Abba)
What is it more that you want that I am not seeing?
What in my ignorant prayer am I failing to say?
Never before have I questioned the truth of your being.
Never once have I dared. Never once until today.
All of a tremble I stand at the edge of confusion.
Who is to save me if into the darkness I fall?
Now that I need more than ever my God to be near me,
do you hear when I call? Are you there after all.
You have to be there, you have to,
without you I'd drown in the deep.
And without you I am drifing on a dark and stormy sea.
You have to be there, you have to,
without you I'd drown in the deep...
too far, too far from land the waters drag me down,
I reach for your hand.
And when I die, who will open His arms to receive me?
Who will forgive me and take me to show me His face?
When I have gone to my rest, will you watch me and wake me?
When my time comes at last, will you grant me your grace?
I am so small on this earth.. I'm nothing without you.
Daring to doubt you at all is a knife in my heart.
Little by little I'm loosing my way in the shadows.
I am loosing my hold and the world falls apart.
You have to be there, you have to my life I have placed in thy keep and without you I am drifing on a dark and stormy sea. You have to be there you have to without you'd I'd drown in the deep. Too far, too far from land. The waters drag me down, I reach for your hand.
In my past blog entry on this subject, I spoke of a painful Friday and how we were going through our own Saturday as a family. We were waiting for the birth of a little girl after feeling the sadness when the baby before her was called back to heaven. Aveline is so full of joy. She is eighteen months old now and she sings songs we don't understand the words to and laughs at jokes we don't quite get. Over the past few weeks, her words have become easier to understand. This week, her mother recognized the tune she was singing to "dah saa ah weee meee MEEE"... Amazing Grace. I never thought of that as an Easter song but now that I think about it, to save a "wretch like me". I can't think of anything that actually describes our Saturdays better. We are lost and blind until Sunday comes and His face shines on us and we once more experience the miracle of Sunday. Have a blessed Easter. You are loved.
Luke 24:1 "Now on the first of the week, very early in the morning, they and certain other women with them came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb". He has risen...he has risen indeed.
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