I chose this menu from a pharmacy in the '50s and 60's because it has a special memory to many people. Buntings had the best hot dogs in the world and loosing the pharmacy has left many of us missing a time of simpler things. This blog is dedicated to Roberta, Penny, and the many others who can remember what it was like to walk down our main street and feel like you were at the best place on earth. Special thanks to Penny for finding the words of the original poem that set our mothers schedules... and the revisions that all of us can apply to our lives today. Mom... this is for you. Thank you for teaching me to take life a day at a time and giving me the tools to be organized which I need to use today.
Sun Tea... according to Henry and in memory of him
Choose a glass or plastic gallon jug with a lid. Clear is the best. Fill close to the top, add 10-12 tea bags. Place in a sunny area until done. Add your favorite sweetener and lemon if desired. If you are in most places, you can have tea for dinner. Here in the desert... tea is ready before the ice cubes freeze.
Monday: Wash Day
Lord, help me wash away all my
selfishness and vanity, so I may
serve you with perfect humility
through the week ahead.
Tuesday – Ironing Day
Dear Lord, help me iron out
all the wrinkles of prejudice.
I have collected through the years
so that I may see the beauty in others.
Wednesday – Mending Day
God, help me mend my ways
so I will not set a bad
example for others.
Thursday – Cleaning Day
Lord Jesus, help me to dust
out all the many faults I
have been hiding in the
secret corners of my heart.
Friday – Shopping Day
O God, give me the grace to shop
wisely so I may purchase eternal
happiness for myself and all
others in need of love.
Saturday – Cooking Day
Help me, my Savior, to brew a
big kettle of brotherly love and
serve it with clean, sweet bread of
human kindness.
Sunday – the Lord’s Day
O God, I have prepared my house
for you. Please come into my heart
as my honored guest so I may spend
the day and the rest of my life
in your presence.
Times change... one thing I avoid is ironing and shopping is no longer reserved for Friday which was the traditional payday then. We don't do things in order then wonder why we get nothing done... we say we have "no time" for things we should and could do. I can do better than I do. We all can. It just takes more organization and having your priories spelled out. Take time for the little things and the big things will not seem quite so burdensome. Our time is now... it was chosen and ordained by God for His purposes. Don't miss a moment of it in worry or regret. Tell the ones you love that you do and resolve the pain in your heart between yourself and your loved one and yourself and God. Today is Thursday... guess I better get to cleaning.
Psalms 139:16 All the days for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
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