Potato Soup
Place chicken skin and fat in about a quart of water. While the water is coming to a boil, cut up a whole onion, several stalks of celery and two carrots. Boil until the onion is clear. Pour the stock through a colander and toss the chicken skin and vegetables. Stock can be stored in the refrigerator, frozen or used immediately.
One quart chicken stock
4 cups of quartered potatoes (more or less... I never have measured it)
1/2 stick or a good size spoonful of butter/margarine
more water
instant potatoes if you want the soup thick
Place the stock in a large pot bring to a boil and add the potatoes. Add water to the stock to cover the potatoes and have a good broth. Bring to a boil then turn down to medium high or place in a crock pot. Cook until potatoes are tender. You can finish it now or if you put it in a crock pot it will stay warm for several hours. You can serve it just as it is with a clear broth or add instant potatoes slowly.. a tablespoonful at a time until it is the thickness you like.
** Some people use flour to thicken their soups. I like to use instant potatoes instead of flour because it does not change the taste or become lumpy.
I remember the slow dance of mom and son at his wedding and I tried so hard not to cry but Scott put my head on his shoulder and brushed my hair. It was a beautiful day, his bride was amazing and I did not want to spoil it. As we heard the words to the song You Lift Me Up, he reminded me that his new bride would take care of him but she did not know how to make the soup he always wanted when he was sick; my homemade potato soup. I would always be welcome in his life.
A few months later I got a call from Abigail. Scott was not feeling well... could I share with her my recipe for this soup and I remembered his words. I am thankful for such a loving daughter-in-law and to know that God's plan for me is so much more. While I gave him life, my son and his wife gave me something that is so valuable to me... acceptance. I don't fully know His plan for me but I am taking steps to go forward as He leads me. Sometimes the only thing I can do is make soup. Some days that may be enough.
Isaiah 58:8 Your light will break out like the dawn.