There is a story about a retired couple who were watching television. The man got up to go in the kitchen and asked his wife if she wanted anything while he was there. She said... "sure, I'll take a dish of ice cream". He asked "anything else" and she said "sure add some chocolate syrup". He asked "anything else" and she said "sure add a few sprinkles". He asked "anything else" and she smilled sweetly and said "no thank you". He returned a few minutes later with a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. She looked at him and smiled and said "you forgot the toast".
I was also going into the kitchen and asked if my husband wanted coffee. He said "sure"... he was not as amused when I finished the dishes first because I forgot that I promised to bring him coffee. Guess that story was not too far from real life.
Sorry 'bout that...
1 Corinthians 11:33 When you come together to eat, wait for one another.
Who knew good manners was actually Biblical? I just thought it was a "southern thing" to wait until everybody is served.
Today this story is over three years old. I am happy to report that I am still a work in progress. This morning I asked my husband if he wanted a banana for breakfast. He said "yes". When I got it, I ate it. I forgot it was for him.