Ever had one of those days that you just know you are in the right place but wonder what you should be doing? Sometimes it is easier to just look at the world around you than be part of it...
Amazing Chili
3 cups fresh cooked pinto beans (okay... 2 cans of kidney beans if you have to)
1 - 1 1/2 pounds ground turkey or beef
2 15 oz cans stewed tomatoes with chipolte
1 15 oz can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon dried basil, crushed
1 cup water
1 large onion (about 1 cup) cut in large pieces
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Shredded cheddar cheese
Brown the meat in a skillet. Mix flour with spices and add to meat; coat well. Add the water and bring to a boil. Pour ingredients into the crock pot and add everything else. Cook on low setting at least 30 minutes... better if simmers longer.
Serve with topping of shredded cheese.
Sometimes I get so bogged down with making everything "right" that I become afraid of stepping out of my own "self-created" box. I have had the opportunity to learn many things but stayed on the sidelines because that was more comfortable. I will not always say something inspirational in my blog or in life and that is okay because I am not expected to inspire. This week was a hard one with my work. My goals and deadlines were set by someone else (which is what happens when you work for somebody). I did not make the goals that were set for me because they were unrealistic and my not making the goal set things in motion for more realistic goals to be set for our team in the future. It's what some would call "bitter-sweet". Without planning to be, I was thrust from the sidelines into the game and the spotlight. It's a place I am not comfortable being but if it makes things better for the future, the temporary discomfort is worth it.
When I was a teenager I asked God to lead me into the life that would best serve Him. I thought I would do something in the medical field, instead I became and am wife and mom with a few other adventures along the way. Guess that is who I am supposed to be as well as "Nana" now. What am I supposed to do? The very best I can with each day and hope it is enough. Thank you for reading my blog... I know you have a choice.
Psalms 16:11 Lord you will show me the path of life and give me joy of Your presence forever.
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