This blog is dedicated to all my children but especially to Tina and Scott who always found a way to make the most mundane things of life interesting and to Susan who is learning the same tune.
Jolly Meals
Fast food places quickly eat into your budget, so Scott became the first customer in our "home based" restaurant.
A "jolly" meal is better than a "Happy Meal" from you-know-where or a Kids meal from anywhere else. It is a favorite sandwich or left over, a piece of fruit/chips, a drink and a prize. It may be a sticker or a cool pencil but the time spent with the kids was worth much more than the fast food. If we were fortunate our hero "Question Man" might make a surprise visit and answer any question you may have. ("Scotty knows"). One thing that made this time and our relationship special was making the little ones know that they are special. I am very blessed to have such special time with Scott and later Paige and Corey. A simple thing like lunch with a toddler can be a special memory. Now, I have those times with James, Katie and PJ and it Susan who is coming up with the prize ideas and the meals that work for picky eaters. Paige, Corey, James, Katie and PJ are second generation Jolly Meal customers. They are my reminders that life is not perfect but it is good.
Music to my ears...
I know what you may be thinking. When the children said "thank you" or "I love you mom" or maybe when they were sleeping and I could hear their gentle breathing. Those were all good but the music to my ears was when my teenagers said they were "bored" or when I asked them "what are you doing?" and they said "noooothing. There is nothing to do". That is when they stepped into the trap of the meanest mom in the world. Yes, I admit that I had that title even if it was not openly spoken, I know it. My response was always "good there is laundry to be folded" (or some other menial chore). It was never a planned thing; it is just the way life happens.
This idea, as unfair or clever as it sounds (depending on if you are the parent or teenager) was not my own. It has been handed down for ages by others who were the "meanest mom in the world" to their children. Mothers are not perfect and if there was an award for the least perfect, I would at least be a nominee I can never be a perfect mom but I am thankful that we all have a perfect Father and I think if we go to Him and say "I'm bored" with an open heart, He will use us to better our life and others. He has always existed and always will be the same perfect and faithful Father forever.
Psalms 119:90 "Your faithfulness continues through all generations;you established the earth and it endures". I take this to mean, to serve Him,we must accept there will always be "mean moms". It is not the easiest path but He will help the least of His children (me) turn to Him, my perfect father, for forgiveness and guidance when I fail Him and others. His faithfulness endures.
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